
The Masa:

  • 4 cups of masa corn flour
  • 2 cups warm water

The Cheese:

  • 3 lbs shredded mozzarella cheese
  • ½ diced green bell pepper



  1. Place the shredded mozzarella, lorocco, and bell pepper in a food processor and process until the bell peppers and lorocco are chopped into tiny pieces and fully incorporated into the cheese.
  2. Next, place the cheese mixture into a plastic bowl and warm the mix in the microwave for no more than 20 seconds.
  3. Next -- and yes this sounds gross, squeeze the cheese mixture with your hands until it becomes like a soft putty consistency.
  4. Set the cheese aside and get ready for the masa.


  1. Place the masa mix and water in a bowl and stir until fully mixed. The masa should be very sticky but should form an easy ball when rolled. If not, add water until it is sticky but easy to work with.
  2. Next, Place an egg size ball of masa in your hand (it helps to place a tiny bit of oil on your hands before doing this) and press the masa out in one hand to represent a small plate the size of your palm.
  3. Place about a tablespoon of cheese down onto the masa. Pull the sides of the masa up around the cheese and roll it into a ball. Next, flatten it a tiny bit with your palms to form a thick disc. Pat the disc turning it between your hands about 6 times to flatten it more but to keep it in a round shape.
  4. The pupusa should be a little less than 1/2 inch thick.
  5. Place the pupusa on a large oiled non stick surface and cook on medium high until each side is golden brown, around 3 minutes on each side.
